*1980 visual artist based in Waihōpai/Invercargill, NZ

Nela Fletcher begins with her body. It’s her medium, her subject, and her starting point. She uses it to explore public, private, and internal spaces, turning these often rigid environments into playgrounds. She bends, mimics, resists, and questions them. Her interventions, captured in photographs and film, preserve these explorations as memories. Fletcher revisits these memories through meticulously constructed drawings, shifting from external to internal space and choreographing the unseen and intangible.

With a background as a professional dancer and choreographer, Fletcher’s transition to visual art hasn’t left movement behind. Now, through drawing, photography, and film, she stretches the concept of movement, bodies, and space, reflecting on how we think, use, sense, and imagine them.

Molly Morpeth Canaday Award | group exhibition | Whakatāne
monstrosity of tiny tumours | solo exhibition | Art Attic Gallery, Waihōpai NZ
2024 Parkin Drawing Prize | NZ Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington NZ
2023 same same but different | duo exhibition | Art Attic Gallery, Waihōpai NZ
2023 Aspiring Art Exhibition | Wānaka NZ
2022 Annual Spring Exhibition | He Waka Tuia, Waihōpai NZ
2022 esk and us | site-specific community art project, Esk Street, Waihōpai NZ
2021 ILT Art Awards | RAW Gallery, Waihōpai NZ
2021 nine stars | video installation with Tim Fletcher, Murihiku Matariki Festival, NZ
2019 Artists invite artists | Salzhaus Brugg, CH

2024 Merit Award | Parkin Drawing Prize
2022 Second Prize 2022 Annual Spring Exhibition | He Waka Tuia, NZ
2021 Supreme Award | ILT Art Awards, NZ
2010 Prize awarded by the Mediathek Tanz , CH
2008 Prize Prize awarded by the city of Zurich, category contemporary dance, CH

Art New Zealand | Issue 187 Spring 2023
2020 Dear Ambiguity (Un)Learning From the Virus | Master of Fine Arts ZHdK
2020 Swiss Art | number 122, issue 2020

artist in residence
COIN South, Waihōpai, NZ
2011 Tanz Tendenz & Schwere Reiter, Munich, DE
2010 Rote Fabrik Zurich, CH

dance & performance
WILD THING | for Laura Kalauz, Gessnerallee Zurich, CH
2012 Die Kopfstandinsel | for die Kulturtage Halbinsel Au, CH
2011 I Did Not Take the Pepsi Challenge... | for Cie. Kihossi, Roxy Basel, CH
2010 Gmoeffel | for Company Zwaergfaell, Theatre Stadelhofen Zurich, CH
2009 Not (t)here | for Daria Gusberti, Dampfzentrale Bern, CH
2008 Rote Asche | for Mischa Kaeser, Theatre Rigiblick Zurich, CH
2008 Rock and Roll ist hier zum stehn | for Kumpane, Rote Fabrik Zurich, CH
2008 Catulli Carmina | for Markus Gerber, Aarauer Vokalisten, KUK Aarau, CH
2007 Swiss & Sexy | for Oona Project, Gessnerallee Zurich, CH
2007 Patience Camp | for Thom Luz, Kaserne Basel CH, Theaterformen Hannover DE
2007 Friday Fishday | for Cie. Urto, Rote Fabrik Zurich, CH
2006 Did I shave my legs for that? | for Kumpane, Rote Fabrik Zurich, CH
2006 Ich wanderte... | for Tanztheater Fumi Matsuda, Tanzhaus Zurich, CH
2005 Mercy 45 | for Denise Lampart, Museum für Gestaltung Zurich, CH
2001 - 2005 Company member | for Philipp Egli, Dance Company Theatre St.Gallen, CH

2014 Mein Herz ist ein Dealer | for Jonas Knecht, Gessnerallee Zurich, CH
2011 Das siebente Siegel | for Peter Kastenmüller, Theatre Basel, CH
2011 HYDE The Rock Opera | for Kollektiv MYDRIASIS, Tojo Theatre Bern, CH
2010 Vrenelis Gaertli | for Theaterkonstellationen, Theater Chur, CH
2010 autsch | for halsundbeinbruch, Tanzhaus Zurich, CH
2009 Kim Jong Il, Der ewige Sohn | for Manuel Buergin, , Kaserne Basel, CH
2009 chirp | for halsundbeinbruch, Tanzhaus Zurich CH + tour through Switzerland
2008 monototal | for halsundbeinbruch, Tanzhaus Zurich, Bern, Lausanne, CH
2006 verschroben | for 12Min.Max., Tanzhaus Zurich, CH

Master of Arts in Fine Arts, Zurich University of the Arts, CH
2018 Foundation Course, Zurich University of the Arts, CH
2000 Diploma in Dance, SBBS Zurich, CH